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Hypnos Is Proud To Become A Woolkeeper®

Sustainability is at the core of everything Hypnos does. We’ve been committed to reducing our carbon footprint for over a decade and tirelessly committed to fine-tuning every aspect of our business and bed creation to make sure it’s as ethical and as sustainable as it can possibly be. A big part of this includes working with trusted partners who share our dedication, not only to the sourcing and traceability of ethically produced materials but to ensuring that producers are treated fairly as well.


That’s why we’re incredibly proud to announce we’re working with 133-year-old British company H. Dawson and their unique social and ethical programme - The WoolKeepers®. High-quality, natural materials like wool are at the heart of our beds and mattresses, which is why working with them is so important. The Woolkeepers® is a quality assurance platform for British wool and a means of bringing together the community of farmers, manufacturers and brands which offers a transparent, independently verified and ethical source of wool, from farm gate to shop front.

Since it was established in 2019, The Woolkeepers® initiative has worked to create a community of people at every step of the supply chain to build a better way of doing business so that everyone benefits. The Woolkeepers® sourcing model offers genuine traceability and transparency by recording the movement of wool from the animal it has come from, as well as the sustainable production and supply process, right through to the brands that use it in their products. The initiative uses existing assessment models, such as Red Tractor Standards, to assess safety, animal welfare, land, traceability, environmental impact and biodiversity. It is through these 3rd party certifications that The Woolkeepers® is able to verify that producers uphold the highest animal welfare standards. In addition, being involved in The Woolkeepers® community ensures that the farmers are paid a fair price for their wool – with the objective of further improving their wool returns over time.

Richard Naylor, Group Sustainable Development Director at Hypnos, said: “We’re delighted to be partnering with The Woolkeepers® - an initiative that aligns so closely with our own values.

“Wool is such an amazing and versatile ecological raw material which boasts natural, renewable, biodegradable qualities without ever depleting natural resources. Both Hypnos and The Woolkeepers® champion these benefits which means we’re committed to supporting the farming community that works in an ethical and sustainable way by nurturing and caring for the sheep who provide us with such high-quality, ethical wool.

“It’s incredibly important to us to work with other like-minded, ethical partners so that we can ensure our part in the wider supply chain is as sustainable and as fair as possible.”

Jo Dawson, Chairman of H. Dawson and The Woolkeepers®, added: “Working with brands like Hypnos is a key part of our overall aim to create a transparent and connected supply chain. By bringing together our farmers, our manufacturers and the brands that they supply, we aim to fundamentally link customers into the journey that these materials take before ultimately ending up in their products.

“Woolkeepers® Wool is not just traceable wool.Our farmers go way beyond minimum standards as do all of the Woolkeepers® in the supply chain.We are building a community that is passionate about nurturing its animals and the environment so we are supporting our farmers on their journey towards regenerative agriculture. Woolkeepers® wool is unique because it comes from the best farmers who receive a fair price which supports the rebuilding of rural communities. Ultimately the final customer understands that by buying a product containing this better-grown wool, they too become Woolkeepers® who are custodians of this precious resource and of our environment.”

For more information about The WoolKeepers®, visit woolkeepers.co.uk.